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단 하나뿐인 태양처럼
단 하나뿐인 태양처럼
모든 승려들은 하나가 되어야한다.
all buddhist monks 02
all buddhist monks 01
군인 은 불교 를 지키고 국민 을 보호 해야 한다
태국 남쪽 홍수
태국 남쪽 홍수 나 스님 들이 탁발 할 수 없는 것이나
큰 홍수 때
Sangha from southern border provinces

Sangha from southern border provinces who used to be threatened by other religion!!! The head of Sangha in Raman district led the Sangha group from 323 temples in southern border provinces of Thailand urging authorities to stop using violence against Dhammakaya temple.
The head of Raman district led the Sangha group from 323 temples in southern border provinces of Thailand urging the authorities to stop using violence against Dhammakaya temple. “Phrakru Wichienkittikhun” led the Sangha group from 323 temples in the four southern border provinces of Thailand submitting an appeal to “Big Too” urging him to stop using violence against Dhammakaya temple. He stated that it disparages Buddhists because Dhammakaya temple is a place for making merit and is a moral training facility for young generation. Read more
In Every Crisis, There is an Opportunity
In Every Crisis, There is an Opportunity. We hear this phrase so often that it becomes just one of those words. What Dhammakaya temple is facing looks like a crisis but in fact it is an opportunity to propagate the sought-after religion concept or Vicca Dhammakaya.
At this time, more than one billion eyes around the world are watching Dhammakaya and wondering what it is and what kind of religion it is. They are watching this news coverage through international media channel or their own one which are not distorted by government like what happens in Thailand.
What the world is yearning for the most at this time is “peace”. We can tell whether it is a real “peace” or just a propaganda one when they are tested in the critical situation. Read more